Friday, March 30, 2007

To many Zombies..

Greetings all. I disappeared off the radar for a while, new job duties, new job title, same pay, same lousy place. Having a day-job really sucks, it really gets in the way of dev-time and all the things I really want to do. Though I have a house, wife and kid to support so I can’t abandon everything.

The more time and effort I put into things the more I am seeing this is a young persons arena to break into. Not simply because of the stuff to do, mainly because those who are just starting off, don’t have anything to loose, so if they hit a dead end or drop the ball and loose their shirts, they only loose like a couple shirts.

When you get older and accumulate things, such as real-estate, family, assets, you find you have much more to loose. So you have to continue with cost effective ways to maintain status-quo, Vs before you get into the rat-race, and you have nothing to loose and everything to gain.

Regardless, I am making a career change and going to get into the IP business one way or the other. Be it for someone else or working on my own. Which seems to be the case here. No one wants IP from someone else unless it is already making millions, and then they only want to pay thousands to own it. So I’ll make something build it up and try to become at least self sufficient.

For those of you out there reading this, it isn’t so much an impossibility or being a dreamer, it’s simply putting a couple rounds through your TV set.

Considering you prolly spend more time on your tube then you do with anything else (except making money for someone else in exchange for 40+ hours of your life every week.)

Consider America was built on entrepreneurship, America was not a corporation as it seems to be now.

The problem with Corporations is they are like a micro government, and they excise their laws on your life dictating what you can and can’t do, and to some points also exacting their laws on your life when your not “on the job” as well.

True freedom and it’s responsibilities is something that every person should exercise. It means getting off your butt, and not being a corporate zombie. Every person had their price, and it seems American souls are sold cheap, some as cheap as $20k a year, some for around $80K+ a year, but still the fact social indentured slavery is sold and taxed willingly by others.

Now I am not going on some liberal rant of “fight the man” or “Down with the corporate world” Not at all. Life and the world is a direct relation to how things are. Civilization needs to function and people need to continue on.

What I am saying is, if more people owned their own business, it would stabilize society and give individuals more voice in the representation of business and political society.

The problem with public education is it teaches people to be compliant, satisfied, and to go out and work for someone else.

It should teach people how to become self sufficient, to strive, and to make their own way, be it with their own business or working in a position that is right for one’s own satisfaction. That is, there is a place for big corporations, however working in a job you hate is the wrong thing to do. If you are going to work form someone else, it should be doing something you enjoy doing so you can excel at it.

My original job was creative problem solving, they eliminated that position, now it is drone operations, some times, almost literally, I do this job asleep.

There was a fantastic quote I lived by many years ago that slipped into the cracks under the bed, it was.

“Without change something sleeps in us and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken!”

Can you do your daily routine without having to think twice or stop and figure out how to reach the end of the day? Well you are a sleeper.

Personally I spent the last 12 years of my life sleeping, time for a wake up call. Time to flush the TV, and get rolling on my dream world, so I can be awake while living my dreams instead of asleep in someone else’s dream, trying oh so hard to make them 25% on their profit margin.

My frustration on watching managers bumble through their day while all the drones fix their mistakes and do their job for them is closing to an end on a chapter in this persons life.

Time to use the competence and imagination for myself instead of saving the ass of someone who openly is hostile to the people who support them, degrading them in orer to justify their own pathetic and worthless existence.

You guys tired of arrogance, hostility and pathetic business ignorance? Start working on making the change for yourself.

I’m not talking about walking off your job, I’m talking about start making changes so you can work for someone else in something you life, regardless if it is for someone else or yourself.

The most important thing everyone needs to realize is, and I quote "Just because you have a job, It doesn't mean you have to stop looking for a another one."

and remember folks, they aren't happy unless your not happy.

-Psyber Wolf


Mattbear said...

I disagree slightly, in that some of us are perfectly happy with corporate's just a question of finding one you actually like, and not letting it effect the rest of your life. For a long time, I didn't think that kind of job existed, but I found one that works for me. However, I will say that many people will never be happy at any job working for someone else, and I can understand that too.

Anonymous said...

You write very well.