Monday, December 17, 2007

Geek-Fu Grip!

Student: Honorable Geek-Fu master.
Master: Yes student, you may speak.
Student: Please tell us of the enlightened Tauren quest again.
Other Students: Yes, please master tell use.
Master: Ok, I’ll tell you again, Gather around the masters feet so that we may become enlightened as a group of the power of the Geek-Fu death grip.

One would expect to hear something like this, but it only gets better. Mur Lafferty’s Lessons From a Geek Fu Master really gets to the convergence of Geeks to a self proclaimed master of the fabled Geek-Fu. And a Master she is with her impressive geek accomplishments. This includes video games, Warcraft RPG, and World of Warcraft credits. Like Damn!

She shows how geeks really are resilient pioneering and enduring people leading the way for the rest of society to follow. How we build the world for other non-geeks to say, hey, that’s cool, and we claim this coolness for ourselves.
Making us geeks to go forth further into social abnormalities to claim our own geekiness so we can say, We geeks are still cooler!
She does audio work for podcasts such as escape pod along with her personal podcast Lessons From A Geek Fu Master

She covers everything geek, and reminds me why I love my wife who occasionally displays hidden geek tendencies. If only I could really get her to come fully to the geek side of the force instead of just dabbling in it, then, as Vader would say, "the circle would become complete."

Yoda would say, “Aaah, enlightened you have become, but master of 360 you are not.”

And of course the ever popular “Some one set us up the bomb!” and “All your base are belong to us!"

If ever one could cause a geekgasium, she could, I think she unknowingly has become a geek goddess, even though she admits she geeks out at cons and conventions over other geek icons, I think she doesn't realize she has risen to the level of a geek icon herself.

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